Monday 31 August 2015

Motivational Monday with Warren Buffett

I know the title mentions these tips are for “Motivational Monday” but hey, inspiration from one of the world’s wealthiest men is value every day of the week.
So forget what day of the week it is and imagine that you are granted a special meeting with Warren Buffett. Here are seven things the man would tell you, to help you improve yourself, give yourself better opportunities for success or just light a fire under your ass to get you motivated.

Break Bad Habits Early
What is one habit you need to ditch, right now? For me, looking backwards, it was spending habits. They were worse than bad. As a teen money would burn a hole in my pocket so I would need to spend it and fast! As a  young adult I would spend before I had, and borrow to spend more. Break your bad habits early. You do not want to learn every life lesson the hard way.

Know Your Strengths
“You don’t have to be an expert on everything, but knowing where the perimeter of that circle of what you know and what you don’t know is, and staying inside of it is all important,” Warren Buffett said. Understanding how you are created, what your strengths are, and what your weaknesses are, is one of the most important things you need to know, immediately.

Invest in “YOU” Before Anyone Else
Everyone around you tells you to begin investing early. That’s a sweet story and marginal advice, at best. Do you want to know how fast those investments can disappear? Quicker than it took you to read these words. Gone. Nothing to show for it all. Invest in yourself. Am I suggesting you bury yourself in debt to student loans before you are 21 years old? Absolutely not. In our current age of internet accessibility, you can learn practically anything you want to, as quick as you want to. Find your passion, invest in yourself through gaining wisdom, knowledge, and never, ever, stop learning.

Never Risk the Important for the Unnecessary
When you have all of your necessities, do not go out and risk it all for a temporary moment of pleasure, or worse from a fit of rage. Use good, sound judgement. Use common sense. This seems to be rare these days.

Tick-Tock, Protect Your Clock
The sooner you realise that your time is your most valuable asset, the sooner you will begin to protect your time. You should learn as much as you can about time management, now! Once you manage your time, no, once you master your time, you will be unstoppable. Master your time. Keep an agenda. Protect the clock.

Avoid Credit Cards
Seriously, avoid credit cards. If you take the bait early on, you will find yourself being a slave to a rapidly growing slave-master of debt. Learn to live and pay with cash. If you don’t have the cash, don’t charge it. Learn the self-disciplines and self-control necessary to master your money early in life.

Don’t Pass Up Good Opportunities
Sometimes good opportunities come along and we do not realise them. Sometimes, good opportunities require hard work and we ignore it. Don’t pass up a good opportunity when it makes you uncomfortable. Most of the time these opportunities will make you a little uncomfortable.

I hope this helps you to be outstanding.

One more thing before you go......spread the word about this article.
That is all - 

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