Friday 30 May 2014

The Most Important Question in Marketing a Product or Service

It is not:
  Is my price low enough?
  Is it reliable enough?
  Do I offer enough features?
  Am I on the right social media channels?
  Is the website cool enough?
  Am I promising enough?

No, the most important question in marketing something to someone who hasn't purchased it before is,
"Do they trust me enough to believe my promises?"
Without that, you have nothing.
If you have awareness but people aren't buying from you, it's likely they don't trust you as much as you would hope. If your value proposition is solid but sales aren't being made, look for trust issues.
Earn trust, earn trust, earn trust. Then you can worry about the rest.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Life's Best Advice in Two Lines

"Silence is the best answer to all questions."

"Smiling is the best reaction in all situations."

Monday 26 May 2014

Motivational Monday

When you feel fearful, you DO NOT have to believe what fear is telling you.

Fears are either real (a truck heading your way) or perceived (they will laugh at me and I will be really embarrassed).

So why not ask Fear, "Is this based on reality or imagination?" 

If it is based on imagination you can tell Fear: "Get behind me. I want to experience this for what it really is without your interpretation."

There is a fundamental part of us that lies. It wants to keep us safe and it accomplishes this by trying to convince us that we cannot cope with anything new. It is hard to come to terms with but you cannot trust your inner voices all the time.

Your body and mind value survival. Knowing this ... what is fear comprised of? Desire to keep yourself safe and the imagination to create the images of you not being safe.

So the voices that tell you what to do when you feel Fear are made of the desire to keep yourself safe. 

So part of you that creates the problem is also telling you how to deal with the problem. It is like an overweight couch potato telling you to exercise. 

What caused the fear is now telling you what to do about it.

And it is biased!

Realise that you in many instances you should not have listened to fear in the first place.

Friday 23 May 2014


Everyone wants to deal with someone that they can trust. In this fast paced world, the question of trust is answered on an unconscious level often within seconds of the first interaction.
Why should they decide to trust you?

Most of us get the 'benefit of doubt' that is to say they trust until information is received that conflicts with this feeling of trust.

Why should they continue you to trust you?

Deliver what you promise.

Because ....... trust is like an eraser, it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

"But I Didn't Have Time"

What do those 5 words mean? It actually means, "It wasn't important enough." It wasn't a high priority, fun, distracting, profitable or urgent enough to make it to the top of the list.

Every few days, Twitter and Facebook soak up a billion hours of 'spare' time. Where did that time come from? What did we do before social media was here? Weren't we busy five years ago?
Running out of time is mostly a euphemism, and the smart analyst realises that it's a message about something else. Time is finite, but, unlike money, time is also replenished every second.
The people you're trying to reach are always recalibrating which meetings they go to, which shows they watch, which books they don't read. The solution has nothing to do with giving people more time (you can't) and everything to do with creating more urgency, more of an itch, more desire.

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