Wednesday 29 April 2015

Redefine Age: Training In Your 40's And Beyond

If you're over 40, you probably have more “stuff” going on in your life than you did at 21, making it difficult to focus on eating right and training regularly. And the enthusiasm you once had for exercise — especially if you haven’t seen the results you were hoping for — may have waned, too.
You might feel that your body can’t handle the kind of punishment you used to dish out in your early twenties, and that it takes longer to recover than it used to.
But none of this matters. With the right type of training, you can still build muscle and get strong well into your forties, fifties, and beyond.
University of Oklahoma researchers compared people of different ages who followed the exact same program for eight weeks. They found that men between 35 and 50 years old built just as much muscle as those between 18 and 22 years old.
DEXA (duel-energy x-ray absorptiometry) scans showed that the college-aged men gained around two pounds of muscle, while the middle-aged men put on 2.5 pounds of muscle.
Moreover, strength gains in both the bench press (7 pounds for the college-aged men and 14 pounds for the middle-aged men) and leg press (55 pounds for the college-aged men and 40 pounds for the middle-aged men) were similar in both groups.
The basic rules for building muscle as you age are mostly the same. Yes, the number of times you’ve travelled around the sun will affect the speed at which you make progress. But your age isn’t something you can change, so there’s no point worrying about it. You just need to train smart.
People of different ages respond to training in much the same way. It’s only the size of your results and the speed at which you attain them that varies.
So if you’re entering your forties, fifties, or even sixties and want to build muscle without injury, you can still make great gains by applying a few simple rules to your training program.
Embrace Light
If you lift heavy all the time, you'll start to notice little aches and pains in your knees, wrists, elbows, and shoulders.
Eventually, those minor niggles will get so bad that they'll interfere with your training. It will take weeks — maybe even months — before they clear up and you can train properly again.
Luckily, the solution is very simple: If going heavy on certain exercises causes you pain, just go light instead.
Despite what some people might say, you can and will build muscle using lighter weights and higher reps.
In one study, high reps and light weights (3 sets of 30-40 reps) stimulated just as much muscle growth as heavy weights and lower reps (3 sets of 10-12 reps).
Doing 3 sets of 10 repetitions to failure promotes similar gains in muscle size as 7 sets of 3 repetitions with a much heavier weight.
Japanese researchers found that taking a light weight and lifting it slowly increased both muscle size and strength to a similar extent as heavy training at a normal lifting speed.
So mix it up. Heavy weights, medium weights, and light weights can all can be used successfully to gain muscle.
Keep Moving
The standard approach to dealing with an injury is to rest. But with some injuries at least, you may be better off moving.

Specifically, a form of resistance exercise known as eccentric training has been shown to work extremely well for the treatment of tendon pain in both the elbow and Achilles tendon. In some cases, it works better than surgery.
In one study, Swedish scientists studied the effect of heavy eccentric calf training in a group of 15 middle-aged recreational runners that had been diagnosed with Achilles tendinitis, which refers to a degeneration of the tendon’s collagen in response to chronic overuse.
They had been in pain for an average of 18 months. Subjects were told to go ahead with the training even if they experienced pain, and to stop only if the pain became disabling.
At the start of the study, the pain was so bad that it kept them from running. But after 12 weeks of daily eccentric training (3 sets of 15 repetitions twice per day), all the runners were back at their pre-injury levels.
A control group of 15 runners with the same diagnosis and duration of symptoms was treated conventionally. The conventional treatments were unsuccessful. All patients in the control group ended up having surgery.
In a group of subjects in their late forties with tennis elbow, the addition of an eccentric exercise known as the Tyler Twist to a standard physical therapy program led to a “marked improvement” in symptoms.
They did 3 sets of 15 reps daily for approximately 6 weeks. The treatment was effective in the majority of patients.
Similar results were seen in a group of men and women suffering from golfer’s elbow, even after all other treatments — physical therapy, cortisone injections, and pain killers — had previously failed.
There’s also some intriguing research to show that regular heavy strength training works just as well as eccentric training for the treatment of tendon pain.
The study, carried in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, compared three different treatments: corticosteroid injections, eccentric single-leg squats, and heavy slow (6 seconds per rep) resistance training.
Again, the researchers in this study emphasised the fact that pain during exercise was “acceptable” but shouldn’t get worse once the workout was over. At 12 weeks, all three treatments produced similar results.
But it was a different story after six months. Specifically, the eccentric and resistance training group maintained their improvements whereas they deteriorated in the corticosteroid group.
NOTE: If you’re injured, the first thing I’d suggest you do is get it checked out rather than trying to sort it out yourself. And if what I’m telling you contradicts what they’re saying, take their advice and not mine.
Stimulate, Don’t Annihilate
It’s all too easy to tell yourself that the reason you’re not gaining muscle is because you’re not training hard enough. While lack of effort is certainly one reason why people fail to build a decent amount of muscle, it's not the only reason.
There are plenty of people out there who train extremely hard yet make little or no progress despite all they're effort.
Walking out of the gym feeling like you’ve just gone several rounds with Mike Tyson might leave you thinking that your workout has been an effective one. But if it’s not part of a structured plan that moves you towards a specific goal then much of that effort will be wasted.
If you keep on pushing your body to the limit in every workout, several things will happen. In the evening you will have that “wired but tired” feeling where you want to go to sleep but you can’t. You’ll find yourself staring at the ceiling wondering why you’re still awake at 2 a.m. You’ll wake up the next day with your heart pounding, just as tired as you were the night before.
Trivial things that you never even noticed before will start to annoy you. You’ll feel anxious, moody, irritable. Worst of all, your results in the gym will dry up and you will gradually start to get weaker.
You need to train hard enough to stimulate progress, but not so hard that it has a negative impact on the quality of your other workouts.
Hard work is a tool used to stimulate a physiological improvement. It’s a means to an end, rather than the end itself.
Train Hard and Rest
Your body isn’t a machine. It needs a rest now and again. Do this by including a “cruise” week (also known as a deload) for every 3 to 9 weeks of hard training.
Three weeks of intense training followed by a light week is a fairly widely accepted practice, although it’s not based on any research evidence that I’m aware of.
It’s not strictly necessary for everyone to deload after three weeks. But if I told you to deload “when you feel like it,” you probably wouldn't do it at all. And your body wasn’t designed to go “all out” for 52 weeks of the year without some kind of break.
In general, the closer you are to your genetic potential (i.e. the upper limit of what you’re capable of in terms of size and strength), the more often you’ll need to deload. Those who are farther away from their genetic potential will be able to reload less frequently.
Tight Means Stretch
Static stretching has been heavily criticised in recent years. That’s because it doesn’t do a lot of the things it’s supposed to. Most of the research out there shows that stretching has little effect on muscle soreness, and doesn’t appear to do much for injury prevention either.
However, if you find that certain muscles feel a little “tight” (the hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps, and glutes are the usual culprits), or there’s an “asymmetry” in flexibility (i.e. one leg feels substantially tighter than the other) then it’s worth experimenting with some static stretching to see if it makes you feel any better.
If you want a simple prescription for flexibility, aim to stretch any “tight” muscles for a total of 60 seconds per day.
Stretching for 60 seconds has been shown to improve flexibility more quickly than a 30-second or 15-second stretch in a group of subjects aged between 65 and 97, all with “tight” hamstring muscles. What’s more, participants who stretched for 60 seconds remained more flexible for longer than subjects in the other groups.
One stretch lasting 60 seconds or six stretches lasting 10 seconds work equally well when it comes to increasing flexibility. Regardless of the length of a single stretch, the key to improvement seems to be total daily stretch time.
Don't get discouraged if your flexibility hits a ceiling, though. Like most things, flexibility is influenced by your genes.
There’s a gene called COL5A1, which is linked to your hereditary level of flexibility. One version of the gene means you’re quite flexible, the other means you’re not. Which means that the rate at which your flexibility improves, as well as the point at which it stops improving, are not entirely under your control.
Three Is Enough
There is no correct training frequency that works for all people, all of the time. Nor are there rigid guidelines that determine exactly what your training routine should look like at any stage of life.
You may be doing just fine on a program that involves lifting weights 4 to 5 times a week. If that's the case, keep doing it.
However, from the studies I've read a program that involves lifting weights no more than three times a week is best for anyone in their forties. It allows for more recovery time, and keeps big, demanding exercises like the squat and the deadlift away from each other in your programming.
Take Your Time
Many in their late teens and early twenties will walk straight into the gym, do a few arm circles, and then jump straight into the heavy stuff. If you’re over 40, this approach will get you injured sooner or later. You have to make the time to warm up properly.
The exact warmup that you do will depend on what your workout looks like. It will also vary from person to person, depending on the environment you’re training in, how strong you are, and so on. So let me walk you through how I do it.
I like to start each workout with around 10 minutes of low-intensity cardio to get my heart pumping and warm my muscles. This helps to raise your body temperature, which appears to be one of the main reasons that exercise performance is better in the evening than it is in the morning.
The amount of time you spend doing this will depend on the environment you’re training in. If it’s very warm, you might be able to get away with a few minutes on the bike or rowing machine. If it’s cold, you’ll need to spend a little longer warming up.
Doing my cardio helps to clear my mind and gets me focused on the workout to come. I like to have a workout plan written down before I get to the gym. Having a plan written down means that I don’t need to think about anything. All I need to do is follow the plan and focus on training as hard as I can.
Next, I move straight to my first exercise — usually one of the compound lifts, such as the bench press or squat — and perform 15 reps with an empty bar. Then, I progressively increase the weight over the course of several sets.
All of this helps to prepare the joints, the muscles, and the nervous system that controls those muscles for the heavy work to come.
While a good warmup can reduce the risk of injury and improve your performance, it doesn’t need to last forever. Foam rolling, dynamic activation drills, and various “alignment” exercises can be useful at certain times and for certain individuals.
Don't just copy what other people are doing — choose things that are actually helping your own body and workout.
Pick Your Battles
Some people have a bone structure that makes them better suited to certain exercises than others. You might not be built for deep squats with a heavy barbell across your shoulders, deadlifts from the floor, chinups from a straight bar, or bench pressing through a full range of motion.
If you’ve got short arms and long legs, for example, it'll be a lot harder to deadlift from the floor without rounding your back compared to someone with long arms and short legs.
But that doesn’t mean you should give up on the deadlift. Just do rack pulls instead, using a starting position that allows you to maintain normal spinal curvature.
If your wrists hurt when you’re doing chinups from a straight bar, use a suspension trainer. This allows your wrists to move freely rather than being locked in the same position throughout the movement.
If the bench press hurts your shoulders, try the floor press, where you stop the bar 2 to 3 inches off your chest. Or use dumbbells with your palms turned in and elbows moved closer to your body (this one simple tweak is often enough to get rid of shoulder pain almost instantly).
And don’t worry if you can’t squat “ass-to-ankles” without losing the arch in your lower back. Squatting to parallel, or even slightly above parallel, is good enough. Studies have found that you don’t need to train through a full range of motion to make your muscles grow, especially if doing so causes you pain.
There are some exercises that will hurt no matter what. If so, don’t be afraid to ditch that exercise and find a similar one that doesn’t. There is no single “must do” exercise that can’t be replaced with something else.
Do it. You’ll thank yourself for it.
That is all -

Monday 27 April 2015

Motivational Monday: How To Get Through Damn Near Anything

How To Get Through Damn Near Anything
Ever have one of those tough-as-hell weeks where it feels like the world is unloading both barrels at you – where things fly at you with such vicious, unrelenting speed that you feel like life is pushing your limits simply to see where your breaking point is? Where the pressure is on, the sleep is never restful, and you find yourself bubbling up with frustration about your job, your endurance, your attitude … and it seems like at any moment that life is about to break you?
I recently had a week of exactly that. It was curious. And by “curious” I mean freaking hell.
So, How Do You Cope With “Hell Week” (or Month, Or Year …)?
There are only three ways of coping with a sudden trip into unrelenting hell:
Snap. Messy
Go numb. Stay numb.
Get through it, and get stronger.
Obviously, the first option isn’t one you want to take. Lots of lawyers and dry cleaning involved. The second option isn’t much better – I’ve done it many times, and in the long run, it’s not a much better option than the first one. But there’s a third option, one where you decide you’re not going to settle for anything less than getting through this ordeal a stronger person. That’s where you want to be.
Yeah, I know. It’s not easy. But it doesn’t have to be as insanely difficult as we make it out to be.
What To Do When You’re Stuck In A Rut
You’re going to have times when you feel like your emotions are out of control. 
You’re horrifically depressed. 
Uncontrollably angry. 
Unreasonably scared. 
Stuck in a rut. 
Entering the downward spiral. 
Locked into a pattern of frustrating, paralysing, you-don’t-wan’t-this-but-can’t-change-it emotion that makes you hate your life and where you are.
And the worst part of it is, no one is coming to your rescue. No wave of a magic wand will help you feel better, and no cheery “You can do it!” advice is going to break the hold of how you feel. And to make matters worse, Dave is going on and on about how bad you feel and still hasn’t gotten to the part where you can start feeling better.
This Is The Part Where You Can Start Feeling Better
Throughout my week, I’ve had to deal with enormous frustration about things that seemed to be controlling my life in ways that I didn’t like. It was rough as hell, but the only thing that kept me from snapping messily was focusing on one simple phrase that helped me break the pattern of pain and move on with my day:
“I choose how I feel.”
These five words may not sound like much of a solution, but stop and think about it: When you’re locked into an emotion that’s controlling your attitude, you tend to feel powerless to change it. Powerless. And that’s precisely why that emotion has a hold on you the way it does – you feel like there’s no way out, no matter how hard you try.
And in a way, you’re right. “Trying” doesn’t seem to work most of the time. You’re feeling defeated and drained, and you’re not in a good position to put up a fight against an unusually strong emotion.
So don’t fight it. Accept what you’re feeling in the moment, and realise that your feeling is driven by what you’re focusing on in the moment (namely, all the stuff that sucks so horribly). Take ownership and admit that you are feeding this feeling by focusing on all the things you don’t like about your situation.
And don’t feel bad about it. Don’t beat yourself up about it (because that only feeds that feeling further). Simply accept that this is a cause-and-effect thing, and that it’s part of being human, and that even the person you think is the most stable, “can-do” person you want to strangle has crap days just like you do.
And then repeat to yourself,
“I choose how I feel.”
Things Change When You Take Responsibility For Your Feelings
You see, we feel like crap because we imagine that life does things to us, that bad situations make us feel bad. But you know from your own experience that it doesn’t have to be that way – you’ve been in plenty of situations that sucked where you’ve been the voice of reason – the one who was able to stay in a constructive mood even when other people didn’t.
How did you do it? It wasn’t magic. It wasn’t willpower. And it wasn’t positive thinking – it was realistic thinking. Somewhere along the line, you realised that feeding yourself depressing thoughts was going to depress you, and you didn’t want to settle for that. You wanted more. And you told yourself that you didn’t have to feel this way. You focused on something good, or you just focused on the fact you’d get through this in one piece and that if you ripped the band aid off fast enough, the pain would only be temporary.
In other words, you refused to let the world play you for a sucker and drive your feelings, and you put both hands on the wheel and refused to let go. All you have to do now is remember you’re the one in the driver’s seat.
Breaking The Pattern = Hope (A Much Stronger Position)
When you’re mired in a strong emotion, it’s easy to feel that it’s hopeless to fight it.  But when you focus on your own ability to choose things instead, you put yourself in a stronger position, one where you can make a difference.  You recognize that emotions don’t control you – you control emotions, and that makes all the difference in the world.
When you tell yourself, “I wish I felt better,” you feel powerless. There’s not much hope for change there. But when you tell yourself, “I choose how I feel,” you’re giving yourself the option not to feel this way, and that’s an option you didn’t have before when you were focusing on the big scary emotion. You’re reminding yourself to be reasonable about the whole thing. You’re reminding yourself that you’re stronger than you’re currently giving yourself credit for.
And stronger is a good place to be.
How To Break Your Pattern And Start Feeling Better
When you feel like crap and there doesn’t seem to be a way out, simply say to yourself, “I choose how I feel.”
If that doesn’t immediately help, repeat to yourself “I choose how I feel.” If it still doesn’t help, repeat it again: “I choose how I feel.” And again. And again. And again. And AGAIN.
Focus on opening up new options for yourself. Take it to the next level and ask yourself what you could do to feel differently: “I don’t have to feel depressed about my job. If I wanted to feel better, I’d focus on <insert something>. If I wanted to feel better, I’d remind myself that <insert something that gives you perspective on something good in your life>.”
Remember, your emotions run on a cause-and-effect pattern. Use that (instead of being used by that).
The key to this is repetition. On some level you’re going to resist feeling like you should have that much control over your feelings, because the part of you that wants the easy way out (or is simply intimidated by the strong emotion) is going to tell you there’s no point in trying. Don’t listen to that voice.
Listen to reason instead. Listen to hope. Listen to what’s going to pull you out of this mess.
You have the power to change things – to stop feeding the draining feelings you don’t want and to start feeding the feelings that will help you rock your day and get out of that rut, so you can be the person you know you’re capable of being.
Feed the right feelings. And come back for seconds. You’ll thank yourself for it.
2 Things You Can Do Now To Make This Message Stick
Ok, so how do we get the ball rolling on this? Two simple steps:
1  First, think of one specific emotional pattern you’re currently stuck in and decide that you’re going to use this phrase to start breaking this pattern all to hell. Just pick one so you can focus & consistently attack it this week.
2  Finally, write about the emotional pattern you’re declaring war on this week in the comments.
The more of you who leave this kind of comment on this post, the more people you’ll inspire to take action.
Leave your comment. Declare war on this crap emotional pattern.
Do it now. You’ll thank yourself for it.
That is all -

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