Monday 17 August 2015

Motivational Monday: The Lesson We Can Learn From Barbie Doll

When Ruth Handler, the creator of the Barbie Doll™, first introduced the Barbie idea to her husband Elliot, she got some resistance. Elliot did not approve of the idea of a doll with adult features being sold to children.
Little did Elliot know that Barbie would be Mattel’s largest selling brand with over a billion Barbie dolls sold world wide and 3 Barbie dolls being sold per second.
Every dream, every plan and every step that you take may face resistance. People will discourage you. People will disapprove of your plans.
YES, that is likely to happen.
The world around you has people who share different beliefs, views and backgrounds but always remember: you are part of this world, just like everybody else. And you have a unique role to play and a different mark to leave.
That's exactly what Ruth Handler did.
Negative people will make endless lists of the WHY's they think you can’t do it. They will even tell you stories of their friends and family who did something similar to your dream but failed.
Ignore such people!
If you believe it you can be it!!
Go out there and prove them wrong . . .
One more thing before you go......I would like you to do one important thing for me - spread the word about this article.
That is all - 

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