Sunday 7 June 2015

Motivational Monday: What's Your Plan B?

What’s Your Plan B?
In life, it seems normal to spend vast amounts of time mapping out our lives and deciding on the paths we must take. I am a regular mapper myself. Do your exams, graduate, find a nice partner, buy a house, get married, have a baby, check, check, check and check. Then what?

Sometimes we make plans for ourselves and they work like clockwork. Sometimes they fall to absolute pieces and we are beside ourselves with grief, sadness, frustration or loss. In times like this, the world can feel like it's caving in on you and there are no options.

As someone who has been in situations where you feel there is no way out or where you feel you have lost your way and can't see the wood for the trees, I know how frightening and distressing that can feel.

From experience, I also know that is is not necessary to feel this way. There are always options, there are always other paths.
'Other path' absolutely does not mean the 'wrong path'. It's all too easy to feel that if you change your path you are failing or making a mistake, but in actual fact you are just changing your direction but carrying on your journey, with all it's winds and twists, and that's perfectly all right.

It's OK to worry and over think which direction you should take in your life, as long as you do keep moving forward down your path. The only mistake would be stopping. 

I hope this strikes a positive note with anyone who is feeling a bit lost or are searching for their 'Plan B'. Whatever you do, keep moving forward.

That is all - 

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