Friday 12 June 2015

How To Rock Your Universe with Mantras

How to Rock Your Universe with Mantras

Mantra is a Sanskrit word, meaning “vehicle of the mind.” Any word or phrase can be chosen as a mantra, and they can help us in different ways.
In meditation, a mantra can help us to quieten our minds. By repetitively focusing on a single word or phrase, the mantra helps to temporarily block out other thoughts for long enough to allow our minds to slow down, even if only for brief moments.

Mantra is a powerful combination of words which, if recited, takes the vibratory effect of each of your molecules into the Infinity of the Cosmos.” ~ Yogi Bhajan

Outside of meditation, a mantra can help us to impress our subconscious minds with new beliefs; to oust and replace beliefs we’ve identified that don’t serve us well. In this context, mantra is another word for “affirmation” or “incantation” but I like using a derivative.
An “I Can Tation” is expressed with emotional energy, intensity, and conviction. When constructing an affirmation or “I Can Tation” there are a few guidelines to keep in mind:
Focus on your desired future outcome.
Phrase it in the positive and present.
   Keep it as short and simple as possible.
Word it in a way that resonates deeply with your heart’s desire.
Working with a mantra requires repetition and this is where it gets its power. Repeating a mantra out loud is better than silent recitation, but silent still works. (So it’s still possible to use the power of mantra within earshot of others without appearing like a total nutjob.)
Mantras are personal and there is an infinite selection of words and phrases that can help to shift our vibration in any given moment. Whenever inner turmoil strikes, choose a mantra to soothe and counteract, and repeat, repeat, repeat.
A good mantra is one that just feels right. But there are a few tried and tested that, while simple and ubiquitous, can work for almost anyone.
Following are a few of my favourites:
“I am more powerful than I realise.”
“I am loving, lovable and loved.”
“I am grateful for all the good in my life.”
“I am worthy.”
It’s important not to be too precious with our mantras. If none of the above resonates, play around with phrases until you find what works for you. 
A great starting point is simply: “I am.” Then followed by whatever it is you wish to be or feel. 

The words ‘I am’, which you consistently use to define who you are and what you are capable of, are holy expressions for the name of God — the highest aspect of yourself.” ~ Wayne Dyer

So, use these words with conscious care. They can change your life and help you rock your universe.
If you have some favourite “I can tations” or mantras of your own, please share in the comments below.
That is all –

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