Wednesday 16 July 2014

Business Tips: The Secret of Business to Business Selling

Don't Blow It!
If you sell to businesses, you're calling on one of two types of companies. Unsuccessful companies, who are panicking and afraid and don't have a lot of resources to spend on new things...a tough sell.
Or you're selling to successful businesses. And in those companies most people walk around with a three-word mantra imprinted in their thinking: 'Don't blow it!'
In most companies more cudos are awarded to people who keep things moving and protect the status quo. If you're the gambler, the one strived for better, who risked and failed, well, it's understood at many places that this isn't good. You are a risk and need to be kept on track.
So, the story that resonates more often than not is a story that's built around those three words, 'Don't blow it!

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