Monday 7 September 2015

Motivational Monday: 6 Ways To Motivate Yourself

Sometimes, no matter how experienced we are or how much we have accomplished, we all can use a little help to keep going, a bit of motivation if you will.
In the face of the inevitable obstacles we are going to encounter, here are ideas that have worked for me, my friends who run businesses and others I have talked to.
At the end of this piece, I am going to ask you to tell me what motivational techniques have worked for you – just enter your comments; if I get enough good ideas I will do a subsequent blog crediting you, of course–but first the list.
Some of these will resonate with you.
People Are Relying On You
This is related to the necessity argument. An extremely high number of successful people I talked to mentioned all the people who could be potentially out of work, if they did less than their absolute best and their company suffered. Feeling responsible for their families’ or employees’ economic future kept them going.
Personal Pride
It was hard to get people to admit to this one, but although they rarely talk about it publically, many business owners are extremely proud of what they had accomplished and take (usually quiet) satisfaction in keep the enterprise going no matter what problems arise.
A lot of my friends are incredibly literal. When asked what keeps them going, they point to the mortgage that has to be paid or an elderly parent’s medical bills they are responsible for. Says one, “John Wayne got it right. ‘A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do.’ And that applies to women, too.” (I have to admit I could relate to this response. At one point, three of my kids were attending private schools simultaneously. During that period, I took to saying “I can’t afford sloth.”)
Inspirational quotes were cited by many, but how they used them were as unique as they are. Some literally had a wall or white board filled with quotes they had discovered through the years, while others took to putting a particular favorite (such as “just keep swimming,” from the kids’ movie Finding Nemo, taped to their monitor or they used a favorite quote as a screensaver.
Create Momentum
This gets cited by just about everyone I talked to. Goals like: £500,000 in sales within the first year can sound awfully daunting from a standing start, i.e. you are beginning with no revenues. But, if you say, “let’s get £41,666.67 coming in this month; and £41,666.67 next month,” the numbers don’t seem as big, and you get a chance to celebrate 12 small wins, as well as the one big one, when you hit £500,000 in sales.
Keep Score
This one is for all the hard charging, Type As out there. If you are keeping a running tally of the jobs completed, clients landed, sales recorded since you first opened your doors, seeing the numbers increase – and wanting them to increase further – can be a great motivating force. Just looking at the scoreboard, and knowing that you need to get the numbers higher, can keep you fired up.
What is the one thing – or things – that helps keeps your motivated? And as I said, if I get enough good ideas, I will do another post (crediting you.)
I hope this helps you to be outstanding.
That is all - 

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