Friday 22 May 2015

Five Great Ways To Feel More Powerful

Five Great Ways To Feel More Powerful
I want this to be the type of list where you can walk down the street and start to get to a feeling that you are invincible. The sense of belief that you can enter any situation and you know your purpose, you walk with pride and you're ready to take on the world.
I'm also not Dwayne Johnson, as pictured above. I'm David Brett-Williams. I started blogging back in November 2012 in an attempt to help and inspire people to achieve success in life.
For much of my life I've struggled with various issues such as confidence, discipline and fear in trying new things that may seem scary at first. However, I've always been interested in the theory and concept behind these feelings and why we think and act the way we do.
It was only until about 5 years ago that I decided to take action on the things I was unhappy with, and begin to improve everything that I felt I needed to in order to become the person I ultimately want to be. It wasn't easy, and it wasn't instant, but I'm getting there.
Please feel free to share any of the points in this blog with your friends & family, or on your website, and don't worry about linking back to me. I will add to this list in future blogs.
1) Stop Making Excuses
Stop making excuses for yourself. We've heard them all. 99% of them are bullshit. Often they are only used as a way for you not to feel guilty. Every day presents opportunities so don't waste them by giving yourself an excuse.
2) Be Persistent
Persistence is a key ingredient in success. Who shows better results: the person who persists or the person who quits after the first attempt? If you are persistent you'll begin to see much greater results, and you'll have a better chance of improving – remember the old adage ‘practice makes perfect’? As you improve your likelihood of success increases too.
3) Remove Negative People From Your Life
You're never going to feel strong, powerful and proud if everyone around you is negative. Dealing with negative people tends to drain your energy. These people also tend to respond negatively towards you and your goals. They can't help that, it is who they are. But you can remove them from your life. They say you become like the ten help people you spend the most time with.
4) Keep In Mind That Anything Is Possible
Anything is possible if you're prepared to put the work in, and truly knowing and believing in this fact has a powerful effect on what you think about life. This needs to be the foundation of how you think.
5) When You Want Something, Go Out And Get It
You are a BEAST. You are unstoppable. Nothing can defeat you. If you really want something, go out and get it. Never settle for less. You deserve the best. There is nothing else to it.
Stay Strong. Be Proud. Become Powerful.
What happens next is up to you...
That is all.

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