Tuesday 18 June 2013

Improve Your Self Awareness for Personal Development

Self awareness involves being conscious of who you are and how you will react in certain situations – but it’s also more than that.

The Benefits of Self Awareness
When you become self aware you grow as a person. You develop self-acceptance and this in turn makes you more accepting of others. You become more self-reliant and self-motivated. These are the qualities that help you to continue growing as a person and to be successful in your chosen field.
Techniques For Greater Self Awareness
We have already discussed the importance of reflection to becoming self aware – but there are other things that we can do to develop this quality in ourselves. In the East there is a greater recognition of the quality of self awareness and this is often achieved through the practice of yoga and meditation. Buddhist monks for example have to learn to meditate to develop a taste for silence.
Meditation comes in many forms. Some forms of meditation rely on the reciting of a mantra or sacred phrase. Christians, Muslims and Jews also recognise the benefits of meditation and contemplation and how this leads to greater self knowledge. A more recent tool in developing self awareness is cognitive therapy where we take greater control over our thinking processes and try to correct thoughts that are erroneous.
Finally, rediscover what is important to you. One way of doing this is to keep a journal. Many more people are now recognizing the benefits of journaling. Here you can record your thoughts, chart your progress and decide what you see as important. When you decide what is important in your life then you have an idea of what you value. Knowing what you value in life is a vital tool in self awareness and success. When we know what our values are, then it is much easier to chart a path in life that adds to our personal growth and happiness.
To Your Success

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