Wednesday 12 December 2012

The Future Belongs To Those Willing To Get Their Hands Dirty

The future of business is heavily dependent upon the mindset, motivation and desire of its leaders.  Whether you are a front line manager, director or executive – 2013 will be a defining year for the economy.  Your commitment to get your “hands dirty” is inextricably linked to the increased performance of workplace leadership.
The world is watching the continuous disruption of our economic order as our leaders resist confronting the real problems that are impacting employee morale & engagement, reductions in customer service ratings & trust. Diminishing performance is no accident. It’s a function of how people respond to their leaders. At a time when we need to find new ways to reboot momentum that requires more than just hard work; leaders must get their hands dirty.
Leaders must step-back and finally accept the bigger picture of their role and responsibilities. Leadership is not only just about the bottom line, but how their decisions, attitudes and reputation – impact the people around them (the real bottom line that most leaders ignore). It’s about leaders getting their hands dirty and touching the business that has changed radically since the last time they met with a customer, participated in a logistics meeting, contributed to a marketing discussion and/or the last time they sold something.
The volatility of the last year can’t be ignored and must be faced head-on.  Times have changed and leaders must now rapidly comply with the new ground rules that the global market has placed upon them. In the past, it was easy for a leader to delegate major problems to his staff – so as not to place himself in a vulnerable position. But in today’s marketplace, leaders can no longer run and hide. The marketplace requires leaders to confront issues that can potentially ruin a client relationship and the livelihood of their employees. The more problems leaders delegate, the weaker and more volatile their organisations become.
Here are some ways that leaders can get smarter about how to touch the business and people they serve:
Re-Build Trust & Earn Relationships
Don’t assume people trust you just because you are in-charge. In most cases it’s the opposite. Be human and allow people inside of your domain.  Encourage transparent interaction and make yourself approachable.  Getting lonely at the top is your fault, not the responsibility of others.
Share your Points of View
People want to know what their leaders are really thinking.  Stop hiding and get involved in the conversation of others and share your points of view.  You never know when your voice can make an enlightening impact to advance those around you.

Reconnect Yourself with the Business
Invest in reconnecting with your employees, your clients and your business. Leaders get lost in office politics and forget about who they should be ultimately serving. Don’t forget: the day you stop touching the business is the day the business begins to manage you and your relevancy vanishes.
Ask for Help and find Growth from Within your Organization
Just because you are the leader, it doesn't mean you know all of the answers.  I've met many leaders who would rather read a book to help them solve their problems, rather than asking for help from the people with whom they work with.   Using other people’s wisdom is important in developing your perspectives – but growing as a leader in your own organisation requires you to ask for help from your colleagues. Your ego only removes you farther away, not closer to your organisation.
Showcase your creativity and get involved on the front lines
People expect their leaders to be innovative.  Get back in the game by allowing others to see your creativity in action on the front lines. Leaders need to do more and observe less.   Action is observation in full motion.
The best leaders get their hands dirty and in the coming year it is a requirement. Don’t be selfish and wash your hands clean. Don’t wait to solve the problems in front of you. Get involved and stay active. Be transparent, make a difference and watch the immediate impact you can create.

1 comment:

  1. Having read this article, I find myself looking in the mirror and asking challenging questions about what I do in my business and how I can make an even bigger impact. It has been thought-provoking and inspiring to the "Nth degree". What a great nudge to re-shape and fine-tune my plan for 2013!

    Many thanks David.


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