Friday 14 December 2012

Customers Expect Faux Personalisation

Customers expect faux personalisation. With many consumer interactions now happening online or through automated kiosks instead of live people, customers have come to expect the type of “personal service” they get at websites like Amazon. Easily being able to track your current, past and recommended future purchases has become an expectation that is not easily matched in a bricks and mortar store. Amazon always remembers who you are, but does your local retail store? As a result, where would you rather shop?


  1. This is a very interesting thought.....the Amazon example is more a record of your purchases, but how do we 'recall' the customer who shopped with us yesterday, last week, last month, last year ?? What do we remember about them, what was remarkable about them or their hobbies, or their personality ?

    In our business perhaps we need to ensure the returning customer sees the same person who sold the product to them in the first place .... ? But what about the OO ?

  2. Great points Stephen. Amazon does it and most retailers with a loyalty card provide faux personalisation. One would think that the greater the importance of the transaction in the eyes of the customer the higher the level of personalisation they expect. Faux or otherwise!


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