Thursday 10 January 2013

Resolution Part 3

Happy New Year! Here is the final part in the series on resolutions. We have addressed how to turn our resolutions into realities and now we turn our attention to defining our resolution.

Let’s get started with creating your resolution list:

Write down your list of resolutions. Get them all out and down on paper.

1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________________
10 .__________________________________________________________________

Focus, Focus, Focus! What one resolution stands out?

My #1 Resolution is:

Congratulations on making your decision. This focus is critical to moving forward

Resolution Validation
Next, validate your chosen resolution's importance. For each question below, ask yourself if you're getting a green - go, yellow - caution, or red - stop signal.

If a caution or stop signal pops into your head, stop to ask why?

It might mean that this resolution isn't the right one to be focusing on. The validation test will keep you motivated as you continue on your resolution pathway. If the validation questions show you that this is the wrong resolution for now, start over. Return to your original list, and work through the process once again.

It is wiser to focus on the right resolution than to start one you're not committed to.

Write down what comes to mind as you read through each question. These notes will serve as a motivational tool for you when you are in the middle of your resolution plan.

Is This Resolution Part of My Personal Mission?
How does this resolution align with my values?

How will this resolution bring me closer to living my mission?

Is This Resolution Really Me?
Is this resolution authentic?

Can I envision myself accomplishing this goal?

Is it a habit that I can incorporate into my life?

Am I The Owner of This Resolution?
How can I take complete ownership of this resolution?

Is This Resolution In My Control?
Is this a resolution I can actually achieve?

Is it within my control or someone else's?

What do I control about this resolution?

What do I not control?

How Will This Resolution Stretch Me?
Is this a resolution that will make me grow?

How will it help me learn new things?

You have the template for successful resolutions and by investing your efforts in each of the five stages ( Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, The Action and Maintenance) that lead to successful resolutions, you give yourself a launch pad for starting your new year and your new life.

I wish for you a New Year of health, wealth, and happiness. A year in which you give yourself many gifts to include the gifts of love, patience, and faith. I encourage you to pursue your resolutions with open arms and to believe deeply in your ability to enjoy the rewards of resolutions and dreams achieved.

Everything Counts!

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