Monday 13 July 2015

Motivational Monday: You Choose Your Attitude

It's Monday, you are at your desk/reading your phone on the commute/doing housework/not listening in class because this blog is so thrilling (ha-ha) and the weekend seems like a long way off.
I know the feeling.
To help you combat this, we're going to stay motivated.
We're going to embrace the week and all that it offers us.
I think the key to a lot of life's challenges is positivity. Where there is the right attitude, the rest just kind of falls into place.
For example, you go to a restaurant and order something new in the hope that you will like it. But guess what? When it arrives, you don't. We've all been there. One attitude will tell you that your meal is ruined. The negative approach says, “I am hungry and everything is crap.” A different attitude will tell you that at least you have experienced something new and know what not to order in the future.
Yes, you might have to order and potentially pay for something new, but it isn't the end of the world if you don't allow it to be. Better yet, it is your justification to order two deserts!
While you can’t control the situation, YOU have the power and the ability to control your attitude to it. And your attitude dictates the meaning of the experience. You are able to make those changes and able to improve practically any situation by choosing a better attitude.
Naturally there will be times that are simply shit, and they are to be respected, but for the most part, you can make a huge difference if you give yourself permission to. 
So, this week, let's focus on training our minds to see the positives.
Use the comments box to send me your thoughts on the things that are positive in your life at the moment and the things that you are going to do to view the events in your week in a positive light.
Be brilliant this week.
That is all –


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