Wednesday 20 August 2014

Reach Peak Performance

Over the last 4 to 6 weeks, I have had a number of people ask me questions about diet and nutrition. With composing this, I can now refer them to this blog and save a lot of time and confusion on explanations.

The first thing I want to do is draw a clear distinction between being fit and being healthy. Just because someone looks ‘fit’ does not mean they have a ‘healthy’ body. Lean and muscular can be achieved by pharmaceutical shortcuts which destroy health.

Your goal should be to be healthy and fit.

Secondly, just because someone looks ‘fit’ does not make him or her an expert in diet or nutrition. Aside from the aforementioned shortcuts, some people are blessed with great genetics or a high metabolism. While I am not an expert, I have a degree in Exercise Physiology and am an avid researcher.

Here are the top 10 sports supplements and super nutrients to help you hit the ground running and be healthy and fit.

1.   Protein     
   Getting enough protein in your diet is crucial as this essential nutrient helps your muscles recover after exercise. It is also responsible for many important processes in your body including transport and storage of other nutrients, control of growth and immunity. Good sources include chicken, fish, tofu, nuts and seeds or try a protein shake after your workout.

2.  Vitamin C
Boosts the activity of many enzymes critical for your metabolism. This antioxidant also helps limit free radical damage to tissues and may boost immunity. It aids the growth of fibroblasts and chondrocytes (cells that produce connective tissue fibres including collagen and cartilage). Fruit and vegetables rich in Vitamin C include oranges, kiwis and broccoli.

3.  Fish oil   
Which contains 0mega-3 fatty acids may have a positive effect on exercise tolerance. Tested benefits include faster recovery times after workouts and improved oxygen delivery to muscles. So get your fill of salmon and trout or take supplement.

4.  Chromium      
Is a cofactor of the hormone insulin, which controls blood sugar. Taking it may boost performance by aiding transport of branched-chain chained amino acids (BCAAs) into muscles. These are thought to help muscle repair and growth after workouts.

5.  L-carnitine     
Is an amino acid shown to support endurance athletes by increasing cellular energy production and improved heart function. The heart burns glucose and fat for energy and L-carnitine helps burn fat.

6.  CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) 
Has been shown to increase lean body mass when taken as a supplement. It may reduce inflammatory responses to exercise and lead to a higher metabolism.

7.  Electrolytes   
Potassium and sodium are implicated in muscle contraction, heart rhythm, immunity and bone health. Your electrolyte balance also helps with total body hydration. You lose electrolytes when you sweat, so sip an isotonic sports drink during or after exercise to prevent dehydration.

8.  Iron 
Critical in the body as this mineral is a component of haemoglobin (in blood cells), myoglobin (in muscle) and enzymes in muscle cells, all involved in aerobic energy production. Find it in leafy green vegetables, red meat and eggs or take a supplement.

9.  B-complex vitamins  
Are involved in processing carbohydrate and fats for energy production. They also help form haemoglobin in red blood cells, which help deliver oxygen to muscles.

10. Antioxidants   
   Help reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress, which can damage enzymes,  lipid membranes and DNA.

To your success in becoming healthier and fitter!

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